Sbm Yapı, Tüneller Ve Madenler, Püskürtme Beton Uygulamaları, Makro Sentetik Fiber, Konut Zeminleri,

Beton Yollar, Prekast Uygulamalar, Endüstriyel Zeminler, Mikro Sentetik Fiber, Havalimanları,

Barajlar, Köprü ve Otoyollar, Saha Betonları,

TT 9055

Product Categories

They are long synthetic fibers produced from high molecular weight polymers such as polyolefin or polypropylene. It makes concrete more durable by intervening in micro-level structural defects.

These fibers extend the service life of concrete by increasing its resistance to early age cracks. By restricting the capillary movement of water, it reduces the water absorption capacity of concrete and increases its resistance to corrosive effects.

Compared to steel fibers, these synthetic fibers pose no risk of electrochemical corrosion. It also provides a more uniform distribution within the concrete and has the potential to reduce labor costs because it requires no special alignment or placement.

It is frequently preferred in non-structural and structural concrete applications with high performance requirements. These include structures in earthquake zones, high traffic floors, water structures and tunnels.

Integration of Macro Synthetic Fibers is simple. They are added directly to the concrete during the concrete batch process and are easily dispersed by mechanical mixing.

The fiber geometry is optimized according to the specific needs of the application. Hydrodynamic design and variant dimensions are used for optimal distribution and performance.

In general, the quality of the polymer used in the production of the fiber, fiber geometry and the total usage amount are the main factors affecting the cost.

When used in optimal proportions, these fibers do not adversely affect the workability of concrete, although in some cases the water/cement ratio may need to be slightly adjusted.

It shows a significant improvement in the tensile strength of concrete. While it increases impact and wear resistance, it may not have a direct effect on compressive strength.

The production of Macro Synthetic Fibers is more sustainable and energy efficient compared to steel fibers. No risk of corrosion extends the service life of structures and further reduces their environmental impact.

TT 9055

New generation polycarboxylate ether, superplasticizer.

TT 9055 is a polymer based on polycarboxylate ether, used as the main component in chemical concrete admixtures that reduce water and increase fluidity.

• In ready-mixed concrete production
• In prefabricated concrete production
• In self-compacting concrete applications
• In low water/cement ratio concrete production
• In high early strength concrete production

• Provides high water reduction in concrete,
• Provides high strength in concrete,
• Maintains consistency in concrete without affecting the setting time,
• Creates a smooth surface on the concrete,
• Reduces labor costs,
• Increases efficiency.


Color and form Yellowish liquid
Chemical origin Polycarboxylate ether
Density (kg/lt) 1.110 ± 0.02 (+20 oC)
pH 3-7
Solid content % 55.0 ± 2.0

25 kg drum, 200 kg barrel, 1000 kg IBC tank
When stored correctly in its original unopened and undamaged packaging at temperatures between +5 and +35 ℃, the product has a shelf life of 12 months from the production date.
Protect from direct sunlight and frost.

Gloves, protective mask, and goggles should be used during application. In case of contact with skin or eyes, wash with plenty of water.
For detailed safety information, please refer to the product Safety Data Sheet.